Fiscal news

Reformas a las Leyes de Seguridad Social y Laboral en materia de aportaciones voluntarias. 

Reformas a las Leyes de Seguridad Social y Laboral en materia de aportaciones voluntarias.  900 675 Ecovis

Este 29 de noviembre de 2023, se publicó en la sección matutina del Diario Oficial de la Federación el DECRETO por el que se reforman los artículos 251 de la Ley del Seguro Social y 146 de la Ley Federal del Trabajo, y se adiciona un artículo 59 Bis a la Ley del Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (DOF – Diario Oficial de la Federación) el cual entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2024. 

Mediante dicho Decreto se establece que las personas trabajadoras que se hayan inscrito voluntariamente al régimen obligatorio de la Ley del Seguro Social, podrán realizar aportaciones al Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda, que les permitan obtener un crédito barato y suficiente, realizando aportaciones para su abono a la subcuenta de vivienda, de la cuenta individual prevista en los sistemas de ahorro para el retiro, en términos de Ley del INFONAVIT, y en lo que corresponda en la Ley del Seguro Social y en la Ley de los Sistemas de Ahorro para el Retiro; considerando dentro de las cuotas obrero patronales, el cálculo de las aportaciones de vivienda sobre el ingreso reportado.

Decreto por el que se reforman diversas disposiciones de la Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles.

Decreto por el que se reforman diversas disposiciones de la Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles. 900 675 Ecovis

El Decreto mediante el cual se reforman diversas disposiciones de la Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles publicado el 20 de octubre de 2023 en el DOF, entra en vigor a partir del 21 de octubre de 2023.

La reforma adiciona párrafos en las disposiciones referentes a la escritura o póliza constitutiva de las Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada y Sociedades Anónimas, también, a las resoluciones tomadas por los Gerentes y Consejo de Administración, así como las que determinan el domicilio en la que se celebrarán las Asambleas.

Por otro lado, modifica las disposiciones que establecen la forma en la que se convocarán y podrán celebrarse las Asambleas, así mismo, la manera en que las Actas de Asamblea podrán ser firmadas, ya sea mediante firma autógrafa o electrónica.

Dicho lo anterior, las reglas para la celebración de las Asambleas y resoluciones tomadas por los Gerentes y Consejo de Administración, contemplan la posibilidad de celebrar las mismas, de forma presencial o mediante el uso de medios electrónicos, ópticos o de cualquier otra tecnología, que permitan la participación de la totalidad o una parte de los asistentes por dichos medios en la Asamblea o junta de que se trate, siempre y cuando la participación sea simultánea y se permita la interacción en las deliberaciones de una forma funcionalmente equivalente a la reunión presencial y se deberá contar con mecanismos o medidas que permitan el acceso, la acreditación de la identidad de los asistentes, así como, en su caso, del sentido de su voto, y se genere la evidencia correspondiente.

No se entenderá que una Asamblea se realiza fuera del domicilio social por el sólo hecho de utilizarse medios electrónicos, ópticos o de cualquier otra tecnología, sin embargo, los socios podrán celebrar asambleas fuera del domicilio social, siempre y cuando la totalidad de los socios lo aprueben y adicionalmente exista la posibilidad de utilizar medios electrónicos, ópticos o de cualquier otra tecnología y se deberá señalar en el Acta de Asamblea, el domicilio en el cual se llevó a cabo la Asamblea respectiva.

Las Actas de las Asambleas se asentarán en el libro correspondiente y deberán ser firmadas ya sea con firma autógrafa o electrónica, por el Presidente y por el Secretario de la Asamblea, así como por los Comisarios que concurran. Se agregarán a las Actas los documentos que justifiquen que las convocatorias se hicieron en los términos que esta Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles establece.

Desde nuestro punto de vista, consideramos importante mencionar que la presente reforma es un ajuste y complemento de la reforma del 2015 referente a la publicidad de los actos societarios por medios digitales, que ahora permite que sean celebradas mediante el uso de medios electrónicos, ópticos o de cualquier otra tecnología.

Por otro lado, hay que tomar en cuenta que la reforma es deficiente respecto a la regulación para la validación de la identidad de las personas que asistan a las Asambleas, por lo que se espera que también se modifique el Código de Comercio para regular estos actos jurídicos a través de medios digitales, como lo es la firma digital o bien la regulación mediante Normas Oficiales Mexicanas.

Tax incentives for income tax (ISR) purposes in nearshoring operations of taxpayers located in Mexico in key sectors of the export industry.

Tax incentives for income tax (ISR) purposes in nearshoring operations of taxpayers located in Mexico in key sectors of the export industry. 900 675 Ecovis

Con la finalidad de otorgar beneficios a las compañías que buscan optimizar sus operaciones mediante la estrategia del nearshoring que actualmente se ubican en México, y pertenecen a los sectores identificados como clave en la industria exportadora, este miércoles 11 de octubre de 2023, la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP) publicó en la sección matutina del Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) del 11 de octubre de 2023 el Decreto por el que se otorgan estímulos fiscales a industria citada consistentes en la deducción inmediata de la inversión en bienes nuevos de activo fijo y la deducción adicional de gastos de capacitación, permitiendo que las empresas extranjeras pueden percibir a México como un destino favorable para establecer sus operaciones y aprovechar los beneficios fiscales otorgados.

This Decree becomes effective the day after its publication, that is, on October 12, 2023, and will be in effect until fiscal year 2024, being applicable with respect to those investments that taxpayers maintain in use for a minimum period of two years immediately following the fiscal year in which the immediate deduction is made.

Among its most relevant aspects are the following:

a) Beneficiaries

  • The beneficiaries are legal entities under the general regime of the Income Tax Law (LISR) or the simplified trust regime (RESICO), and individuals under the business and professional activities regime, when these taxpayers are engaged in the production, processing or manufacture and export of the following goods, and estimate that during fiscal years 2023 and 2024 the amount of their export income will represent at least 50% of their total invoicing for each fiscal year:
    1. Products intended for human and animal feed.
    2. Fertilizers and agrochemicals. o Raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.
    3. Electronic components.
    4. Machinery for watches, measuring, control and navigation instruments, and electronic medical equipment.
    5. Batteries, accumulators, batteries, power cables, plugs, contacts, fuses.
    6. Gasoline, hybrid and alternative fuel engines for cars, vans and trucks.
    7. Electrical and electronic equipment, mechanical systems for automobiles, vans, trucks, trains, ships and aircraft.
    8. Internal combustion engines, turbines and transmissions.
    9. Non-electronic equipment and devices for medical use.
    10. Production of cinematographic or audiovisual works.

b) Immediate deduction of investment in new fixed assets

  • The incentive consists of an immediate deduction for new fixed assets (those that are used for the first time in Mexico) acquired from October 12, 2023 through December 31, 2024.
  • The amount of the immediate deduction in the year in which the investment is made will be determined by applying to the original amount of such investment the percentages established in such Decree according to the type of fixed assets and the activity for which they are used; the minimum percentage established is between 86% and 89% for property, plant and equipment and between 56% and 88% for machinery and equipment. In the event that the taxpayers are engaged in two or more of the aforementioned activities, the percentage corresponding to the activity in which the taxpayer obtained most of its income in the year in which the immediate deduction of the investment is applied must be applied.
  • Specific percentages of the original amount of the investment deducted in relation to the elapsed years of the investment will be applied to investments in fixed assets, products intended for human and animal feed, as well as machinery and equipment.
  • It will only be applicable with respect to investments maintained in use for a minimum period of two years immediately following the year in which the immediate deduction is made.
  • When the assets are disposed of, lost or rendered useless, a partial deduction may be made.
  • The incentive does not apply to office furniture and equipment, automobiles powered by internal combustion engines or automobile armoring equipment.
  • Such immediate deduction may be recognized in the provisional income tax payments in the year in which the investment is made, and the immediate deduction made in the same year may be deducted from the taxable income. Likewise, in order to determine the profit coefficient to be used in the provisional payments of 2024 or 2025, the effect of the immediate deduction applied must be included.
  • Those who choose to apply this incentive must keep a special record of the investments for which the immediate deduction was applied, such record must include data of the supporting documentation, the fiscal year in which it was applied and the date on which the asset is derecognized.

c) Additional deduction of training expenses

  • The incentive consists of an additional deduction of 25% of the increase of the training expense received by each of the employees, applicable in the annual tax return for fiscal years 2023, 2024 and 2025. In case of not applying the deduction in the fiscal year in which the expense is incurred, the right to do so in subsequent fiscal years will be lost.
  • Training will be in technical or scientific knowledge related to the taxpayer's activity and provided it is given to active workers registered with the Mexican Social Security Institute.
  • Taxpayers applying this incentive must make a specific record of the training provided to the workers and indicate the supporting documentation, as well as describe what the training consisted of and the relationship it has with the original activities for which the taxpayer was benefited.

d) Requirements to be met in order to obtain benefits

  • Be registered in the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC) and have the tax mailbox enabled.
  • Positive opinion of compliance with obligations.
  • To file a notice in accordance with the general rules established by the Tax Administration System stating that they opt for the application of the tax incentives during the 30 calendar days immediately following the month in which they are applied for the first time.

e) Excluded or non-beneficiary taxpayers

  • Those listed as companies that deduct non-existent transactions or do not rebut the presumption of issuance of tax receipts for non-existent transactions, as well as the presumption of undue transfer of tax losses.
  • Have firm tax credits.
  • Failure to comply with the established special investment and training records.
  • Are in liquidation.
  • Are in the procedure of temporary restriction of the use of digital stamps for the issuance of digital tax receipts through the Internet.
  • Have cancelled the certificates issued by the Tax Administration Service (SAT).




On September 8, 2023, the Federal Executive, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), delivered to the Congress of the Union for the corresponding legislative process the Economic Package for 2024, which is the last budget of the current administration.

The Package is presented without proposing or proposing modifications to the fiscal legal framework; therefore, no taxes are created nor are current rates increased, i.e., there are no changes to the Income Tax (ISR), Value Added Tax (VAT), Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) laws, nor to the Federal Fiscal Code (CFF), The bill includes only the General Economic Policy Criteria (CGPE) and the Initiatives to the Federal Income Law (LIF), the Federal Law on Duties (LFD) and the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF).

As a preamble to the presentation of the Package, the Executive has pointed out in accordance with the CGPE that the results obtained during the same and what has allowed that it has not been necessary to increase or create new taxes derive from a responsible tax policy, since the current Administration in its beginnings implemented some of the collection measures to increase tax revenues that were being analyzed and worked on in previous Administrations, making changes in the tax regulatory framework towards a progressive tax system to combat social inequality, also indicating that among the actions carried out, or well implemented, are the elimination of universal compensation, the classification of tax fraud as a serious crime, the adaptation of the tax framework to the digital economy, the implementation of measures of the BEPS (Base Erotion, Profit Shifting) project of the OECD (reportable schemes, neutralization of hybrid schemes and the limitation of base erosion through interest), the establishment of anti-abuse rules, and the elimination of write-offs.

In this regard, the Executive Branch points out that the characteristics of the 2024 Economic Package include the consolidation of a welfare state, forecasting a 2.5% to 3.5% real annual economic growth based on consumption and employment, as well as the continuity of the fiscal policy that will allow the public debt balance to be sustainable, guaranteeing the strength of tax collection to avoid tax evasion and avoidance through the LIF and favoring social welfare through austerity, efficiency and rationality in public finance spending through the PEF.

In general terms, it should be noted that it is expected that, in the LIF, on the one hand, there will be no changes in the tax incentives established and, on the other hand, that an increase in the withholding rate on interest paid by the financial system will be established.

According to the deadlines of the legislative process, the draft of the LIF initiative must be approved by October 31 at the latest, while the PEF must be approved by the Chamber of Deputies by November 15 at the latest.

In addition, although there are no modifications to the current legal fiscal framework, it is important to take into account the following for 2024:

1) Outsourcing of specialized services.

a) Renewal of the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Specialized Works (REPSE).

As a result of the 2021 labor reform regarding the subcontracting of specialized services, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) created the public registry known as REPSE, which, on the one hand, is mandatory for all employers that provide specialized services other than the corporate purpose of their clients, among other characteristics, On the other hand, it is valid for 3 years, so that any individual or legal entity that is registered in the registry must keep in mind that during the fiscal year 2024 and, in particular, during the second half of the year, it must process the first renewal of its registration, if it was made for the first time in 2021 and it was not cancelled. REPSE STPS.

It is important to mention that the validity of the registration is mandatory and necessary to operate legally when rendering and/or receiving specialized services, in addition to the fact that, among others, the REPSE is an indispensable requirement in tax matters and, specifically, for the deduction of payments made and the crediting of VAT for this type of services.

2) International Taxation

Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting . (Known as "MLI": Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting or Multilateral Instrument MLI). beps-mli-position-mexico.pdf (

As of January 1, 2024, the MLI will be effective in Mexico, provided that each country with which Mexico has a treaty has also concluded its domestic processes, initiates its effectiveness and considers Mexico as a treaty covered by the MLI.

The provisions of the MLI will apply to each tax treaty entered into by Mexico (except for the United States of America and Germany) to form part of it, functioning as a protocol, even if they are not integrated in the same document, to jointly interpret and execute such treaty and the MLI as a single agreement. In other words, the MLI will include regulations for the precision of treaty concepts for their better application, as well as for the interpretation of particular clauses and their technical aspects, with the objective of avoiding the erosion of the tax base, the diversion of benefits by multinational companies, and the abuse of treaties or treaty shopping through structures whose sole objective is to benefit from the treaties without there being a justification of the need for the operation, that have no business reason and, One of the most important changes of the MLI is that it includes the concept of the principal purpose test (commonly abbreviated as PPT), so that most of the tax treaties entered into by Mexico will contain provisions that will deny the obtaining of treaty benefits if it is considered that the obtaining of a tax benefit was the main or one of the main purposes of the corresponding transaction.

In this sense, although there may be differences with each country covered, the entry into force of the MLI will have effects on transactions with foreign residents and on the planning for individuals who have investments abroad, so it is important to review and comply with its provisions in order to have access to the benefits of the treaties and in turn not have contingencies to deduct the respective payments.

It is worth mentioning that, among others, the MLI includes regulations on double residence, beneficial ownership, related third parties, specific rules for dividends and capital gains, fragmented or split contracts for permanent establishment purposes, control of hybrid schemes, as well as the review of income that is not taxed at source (business profits), to verify when treaty benefits will or will not be applicable.

a) Pacific Alliance

As from January 1, 2024, the Convention to avoid double taxation of the Pacific Alliance, formed by Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, will also be applicable, which modifies the bilateral agreements to avoid double taxation subscribed between said countries, on the one hand, granting resident status to pension funds for the purposes of applying said agreements and obtaining the tax benefits foreseen in said bilateral agreements and, on the other hand, equalizing the tax treatment for income from pension funds for the purposes of applying said agreements and obtaining the tax benefits foreseen in said bilateral agreements, The agreement amends the bilateral agreements to avoid double taxation signed between these countries, on the one hand, granting the status of residents to pension funds for the purposes of the application of these agreements and obtaining the tax benefits provided in these bilateral agreements, and on the other hand, equating the tax treatment for interest income and capital gains from the sale of shares made through a stock exchange that is part of the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA) and received by the pension funds. CONVENTION TO AVOID DOUBLE TAXATION OF THE PACIFIC ALLIANCE ENTERED INTO FORCE AND WILL BEGIN TO APPLY FROM NEXT JANUARY 1 (

flag of spain



Source: Royal Decree 609/2023, of July 11, 2010 | Public Treasury.

Effective: As of September 19, 2023

In Spain, Decree 609/202 Decree 609/2023 was published, issuing the Regulation for the creation and operation of the Central Public Registry of Definitive Beneficial Ownership in Spain to extend the applicable regulation on the identification of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) of Spanish legal entities or entities or structures with or without legal personality ( trust type trusts and similar), including when they have eventual commercial operations or are owners of land in Spain and whether or not they are administered in Spain or in other member countries of the European Union (EU).

In this sense, in Spain, as in most of the world, including Mexico, mandatory regulations have been established which, although they may change from one country to another, have the common objective of identifying, tracking and monitoring locally and internationally the individuals who control and obtain the final profits of the companies, in order to avoid money laundering and financing for criminal activities. Therefore, it is necessary to collect the information with which such individuals are identified, since in addition to being mandatory, it currently implies an international tax compliance, with which multinational companies may exchange the identification and control information that they integrate in each of the countries in which they operate and thus expedite the compliance to which they are obliged in such countries. The Spanish Decree and regulations establish, among others, the following: 

  • Incorporate information obtained from other databases that are centralized in said registry and by the transfer of data between it and the different registries of legal entities.
  • Failure to comply with the obligation to identify and inform the Central Registry of Real Estate Titles will result in the closure of the registry. 
  • To be reported are names, date of birth, identification documents and their countries of issue, countries of residence, nationality, e-mail addresses and criteria that qualify them as UBOs. 
  • With respect to trusts or similar, the identity of settlors, trustees, protectors, beneficiaries and any other individuals who ultimately exercise control of the trust must be disclosed. 
  • The information will be public and will be available for as long as the individual is a beneficial owner and for 10 years thereafter.
  • The information may be accessed, provided that the legitimate interest is proven and the identity is proved, being able to know only the name, surname, month and year of birth, country of residence and nationality of the final or real beneficiaries; except when the beneficiary has privacy.
  • Information on beneficial ownership must be provided to the new registry within 9 months of the entry into force of the Royal Decree, even if the sectoral registries have already been informed beforehand.
  • Any change in its actual ownership must be reported to the Commercial Registry within 10 days, otherwise the commercial registration will also be cancelled.

Relevant notes on international taxation

Relevant notes on international taxation 2560 1707 Ecovis
  1. Protocol amending the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Germany and Mexico (DTAA).

In the evening section of the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) of August 4, 2023 DOF - Diario Oficial de la Federación, the Protocol to the DTA entered into by Germany-MX was published, in order to amend said agreement and implement the measures of the Multilateral Convention to prevent tax base erosion and profit shifting derived from regulatory loopholes or omissions used by multinational companies to obtain tax benefits.


Among its most relevant aspects, this Protocol modifies the following:

  • It is established that the Convention has the objective of eliminating double taxation without creating opportunities for non-taxation or reduced taxation through tax evasion or avoidance (including the practice of treaty shopping that seeks to obtain the benefits provided for in this Agreement for the indirect benefit of residents of third States).
  • Permanent establishment (PE): The activities exempted from constituting a PE will be conditioned to be auxiliary or preparatory activities, or activities that are not essential and significant.
  • Dividends: A holding period of 365 days is established as a requirement to apply the reduced withholding rate of 5% of the gross amount of dividends, the beneficial owner of which is a company that directly owns at least 10% of the capital stock of the company paying the dividends. It is established that in order to calculate such period or term, changes in ownership due to corporate reorganization (merger or spin-off) of the company paying the dividends will not be taken into account.
  • Capital gains: Gains from the disposition of shares or other comparable participation rights, such as partnership interests or trusts, may be subject to taxation in the source State if, at any time within 365 days preceding the disposition, those shares or comparable participation rights derive more than 50% of their value, directly or indirectly, from real property, located in the source State.
  • Special Cases: The Convention is established to be applied in specific cases so that it is not interpreted to prevent a Contracting State from applying the provisions of its domestic legislation on the prevention of tax evasion or avoidance, including the provisions on thin capitalization and preferential tax regimes.
  1. Technical assistance is not a business benefit for purposes of the DTA between the Netherlands and Mexico. 

By means of jurisprudence thesis No. IX-J-SS-70, of the Federal Court of Administrative Federal Justice (TFJA), which is visible in the TFJA Magazine of June 2023(Biblioteca CESMDFA | | TFJA), it was resolved that the income obtained by a resident of the Netherlands for technical assistance will not be considered business profits.

In this respect, the thesis indicates that, if the concept of technical assistance is not included in the Convention or within the income regulated separately in the same, it does not mean that such income is business profits and, therefore, in the terms of the Convention itself, the meaning attributed by domestic legislation must be considered and observed.

In this sense, the domestic legislation, on the one hand, defines technical assistance as an independent personal service and, on the other hand, establishes that it is not a business activity; Therefore, according to the case law, for purposes of the Convention, the income derived from such assistance should not be considered business profits, but in addition, the income obtained by a tax resident of the Netherlands, due to technical assistance services, should be directly taxed in Mexico under the terms of article 167 of the Income Tax Law (LISR), that is, as royalties, subject to the withholding of 25%, tacitly establishing that such income will not even be subject to the Convention.

However, we find the tax treatment determined and, in general, the whole thesis debatable, since, among other aspects, in our opinion there is a confusion between the activity that triggers the income, the nature of the income obtained from such activity and the treatment applicable to it, in the sense that if the case law considers that income from technical assistance is not business profits and should be taxed as royalties, the Convention would be applicable and not only the domestic legislation, which, contradictorily to what it intends, is not interpreted accurately at all.

businessmen checking tablet



For companies operating in multiple jurisdictions, it is necessary to understand, manage and address the challenges and effects of international taxation in terms of both domestic and international regulations, as well as the assumptions that by virtue of their operations affect tax residency, double taxation, preferential tax regimes, anti-abuse rules, controlled foreign company (CFC) rules, inter-company transactions, transfer pricing, international asset and financial structures, among others, preferential tax regimes, anti-abuse rules, controlled foreign company (CFC) regulations, inter-company transactions, transfer pricing, international asset and financial structures, among others, in order to have legal certainty about their strategy and thus be able to optimize their tax burden.

Common tax structures and best practices for complying with tax requirements in different countries include income tax regimes, value-added taxes (VAT), capital gains taxes, and various import and export taxes. These regimes vary from country to country and can affect both individuals and companies.

It is also common to find tax incentives and exemptions for certain activities or economic sectors. In that sense, in order to comply with international taxation requirements, a thorough understanding of the applicable regulations, the support of experts and a proactive approach to ensure compliance and effective tax management is indispensable; within the best practices for this, we have the following:

a) Professional Advice: Having specialized and local tax advice is essential to understand the complexity of the tax regimes in each country and to comply with tax obligations properly.

b) Regulatory Knowledge: Keeping informed about current tax laws and keeping abreast of regulatory changes and updates is crucial to ensure ongoing compliance, including knowledge of applicable tax treaties, such as double taxation, exchange of information, transfer pricing, tax compliance of foreign accounts, among others.

c) Accurate Accounting: Accurate and detailed accounting is essential to calculate and declare taxes correctly, avoiding errors that may result in penalties.

d) Timely Compliance: Comply with the deadlines established for the corresponding formalities or procedures, as well as for the filing of returns and payment of taxes generated; in order to avoid legal accessories such as updating and surcharges, the imposition of fines or even the commission of tax offenses.

e) Strategic Tax Planning: Implementing strategic tax planning can help optimize the tax burden in a legal and ethical manner.

f) Withholding Tax: Understand withholding tax requirements when conducting international business transactions or paying foreign suppliers.

g) Retain Documentation: Keep all tax records and documents in order and available for tax audits or reviews.

h) Adaptability: Since tax regulations may change, it is essential to be adaptable and adjust to new requirements.

Relevant VAT criteria

Relevant VAT criteria 1024 768 Ecovis

Civil compensation is not a form of payment of VAT.

A few months ago, in March 2023, in resolving contradiction of criteria 413/2022, the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (Listado de Comunicados ( ruled that from the interpretation of articles 1, 1-B, 5, 17 and 18 of the Value Added Tax Law (LIVA), the compensation, applicable in civil matters, is not a form of payment of the value added tax (VAT), nor does it give rise to a request for a refund of the balance in favor or crediting of the tax; since the compensation only determines when the VAT obligation arises, but does not generate its crediting, since in order to do so the VAT must have been effectively paid to the tax authorities. 

Likewise, it was determined that, in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws, offsetting only occurs in the relations between taxpayers and the tax authority, not between the former and the latter, since article 2192, section VIII, of the Federal Civil Code, establishes that the offsetting of tax debts does not proceed. Therefore, the civil compensation is a way to determine the moment in which the consideration for the services rendered and for which the obligation to pay the tax is understood to have been effectively collected, but it does not serve to pay the tax. In this sense, it should not be held or considered that the civil compensation is a form of payment of VAT, since this would be equivalent to confusing the moment in which the obligation to pay the tax arises, with the extinction or conclusion of that same obligation. That is to say, it is equivalent to leaving it to the will of the individuals who render independent services to extinguish the obligation to pay VAT by means of civil compensation, which, as previously mentioned, is prohibited by the Federal Civil Code.

In this sense, it was resolved that the jurisprudence criterion that should prevail is thesis number 2a./J. 19/2023 (11a.), under the heading "VALUE ADDED TAX. THE CIVIL OFFSET IS NOT A MEANS FOR ITS PAYMENT NOR CAN IT GIVE RISE TO A CLAIM FOR BALANCE IN FAVOR OR CREDITING (LEGISLATION IN FORCE FOR THE 2019 AND 2020 FISCAL YEARS)", published on Friday, May 12, 2023 in the Semanario Judicial de la Federación and, consequently, it is considered of mandatory application as of Monday, May 15, 2023. Detail - Tesis - 2026404 (, for all jurisdictional bodies in matters or controversies on this subject.

From the criterion in question, it is understood that the court considers that the primary or main debt is the civil debt and that the tax is a tax debt, which is not covered by the offset, so that the individual must pay the tax to the tax authorities, without taking into account the transfer of the tax and, if applicable, the debtor owes its creditor a global or total debt that includes the tax; However, as mentioned above, the jurisprudence already exists and is mandatory, so it is important to take it into account and, if applicable, avoid offsetting transactions that credit or transfer VAT, since it is understood that the jurisprudence can be invoked and is applicable, the tax authority will be able to reject the refunds granted in which verification powers have not been exercised, in addition to making observations of the creditable VAT determined in the monthly payments, and even if it were to deny the creditable VAT, it would also intend to reject ISR deductions related to such VAT.

No VAT crediting in the capitalization of liabilities

Likewise, on May 12, 2023, the Tenth Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters of the First Circuit published in the Judicial Weekly of the Federation an isolated thesis, in which it was determined that, in order for the crediting and refund of the VAT credit balance, the tax must be paid in cash, bank transfer or check, which is also complied with when the tax is declared and filed with the tax authority, without authorizing the payment of the tax through the capitalization of liabilities or debts, through the issuance of shares, since this is not authorized by article 1-B of the LIVA. In this sense, if the tax is intended to be covered through the issuance of shares, it does not comply with the requirements to consider it as effectively paid and, therefore, the refund of the tax credit balance that may be generated or its crediting is not applicable. Thesis: I.10o.A.21 A (11a.) (

In this regard, it is necessary to take into account that the cited criterion is an isolated thesis and not jurisprudence, therefore, although it is true that it is not a mandatory criterion, it is also true that it guides the jurisdictional bodies in the matters or controversies on the subject and they may apply them, as long as there are no criteria to the contrary that are mandatory. 




What is it?

The Pacific Alliance is made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which signed the "Convention to Standardize the Tax Treatment provided for in the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements signed between the States Parties to the Pacific Alliance Framework Agreement", with the purpose of modifying the bilateral double taxation avoidance agreements signed between countries, in order to contribute to the economic reactivation of the region.

What does it establish?

The convention establishes the following:

  1. Pension Funds

It recognizes pension funds as residents for purposes of the application of the agreements to avoid double taxation, so that such funds may apply the benefits of such agreements and will be considered effective beneficiaries. For such purposes, the following are considered pension funds:

Interest and capital gains

Equalizes the tax treatment for interest income and capital gains from the sale of shares through a stock exchange that is part of the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA) and received by pension funds.

a) Interest: It is established that interest from any of the member countries whose recipient is a recognized pension fund also from any of the member countries, will be taxed in the country of residence of the recipient and not of the source; however, it may be taxed in the country of source, but the tax may not exceed 10% of the gross amount of the interest. However, the tax treatment of the treaties may be applied when the interest is taxed at less than 10% of the gross amount of the interest or is exempt in the member country from which the interest arises due to the legal nature of the debtor.

b) Capital gains: Capital gains obtained by a recognized pension fund of a member country from the sale of shares representing the capital of a company that is a resident of a country that is a Party to the Convention through a stock exchange that is part of the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA), can only be subject to taxation in the country mentioned first (residence).

It should be noted that, with respect to Peru and Mexico, the convention will apply, although the protocol to the double taxation avoidance treaty between those countries is not applicable when the recipient of the interest income or capital gains, as applicable, being a resident of one of those countries, is not subject to taxation or is exempt with respect to such income under the laws of the country of residence.

Source: Convention-para-homologar-el-tratamiento-impositivo.pdf (

Pacific Alliance Double Taxation Avoidance Convention entered into force and will start to apply as of January 1st - Pacific Alliance (




The integration of sustainability into financial decision making has become an important trend in recent years, driven by the growing awareness of environmental and social challenges. Speaking specifically of the financial sector, it is important to take on this responsibility and initiate this transition in business models, products and services, integrating their management with that of their risk management and compliance frameworks.

Responsible investment: Financial sustainability implies considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects as a financial indicator that investors look for in business models when making investment decisions, in addition to seeking opportunities that are financially profitable in the long term and aligned with sustainable principles.

Reporting and disclosure: Financial institutions should be transparent about their sustainable practices and performance. This includes disclosing information on ESG investments, risks related to climate change and other relevant factors.

Environmental and social risk management: Financial institutions must assess and manage the environmental and social risks associated with their activities. This implies considering the direct and indirect impacts of investments in terms of climate change, human rights, conservation of natural resources, among others.

Sustainable financing: Financial institutions can promote sustainability by offering financial products that encourage responsible practices. This includes financing environmentally friendly projects, renewable energy, energy efficiency, as well as loans to socially responsible companies.

Participation in dialogues and partnerships: The financial sector can play a key role in promoting sustainability by engaging in dialogues with governments, non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders. This helps to generate common standards, share best practices and promote the adoption of sustainable approaches across the sector.

Integration of ESG criteria in decision making: Financial institutions are increasingly incorporating ESG criteria into their risk analysis and decision making. This involves evaluating not only the financial aspects of an investment, but also the associated environmental and social impacts.

Innovation and development of sustainable financial products: The financial sector is driving innovation in sustainable financial products, such as green bonds, green loans and climate insurance. These products encourage the financing of sustainable projects and help investors manage climate change-related risks.

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